I'm making my blog a diary. Sue me.
I just woke up, and I had an interesting dream, and I'm going to describe it as accurately as possible. There are three scenes I remember, two vaguely, one accurately, because that was the last scene.
The first one is a scene where me, Batman, and some other people are on a jeep, or truck, in the... night, I think. It could also be the desert, but the the rest of the dream was set in the night and that makes more sense.
The second scene is where me, Batman, and someone who's funding whatever we're doing got into an arguement. I'm not sure what it was about.
The third and last scene, the one I remember best was... me, Batman and Catwoman fighting in a Diablo clone. I was viewing it from the same angle as the camera in Diablo. And the combat was the same, and we were all fighting someone. I think it was The Penguin, but I'm not sure. After he died, he dropped a ton of cases. Batman yelled something rude to me and left, Catwoman left more descretely. I picked up the cases and headed for the surface. Also of note; It was dark at the time and Batman yelled at me to light a flare or candle or flashlight. For a while, it was pitch black, and the only thing I could see were the items on the ground.
Anyway that was dream. If you aren't interested by this, keep in mind that I'm writing this for myself, and you just happen to be able to see it.