It was late at the time (UK time) and I was only in year 6 at the time,so I didn't really understand and as sick as it sounds is was almost exiting watching two huge towers up in smoke it was almost interesting to watch, (i was only like 10 so don't judge me for being so ignorant towards the people dieing up there). But anyway the next day at school my teacher made us all send some huge long email to our "pen pals" in the USA.Mine never replied for like a week or two and when he did he told me his parents kept him at home for a week because they were paranoid something was going to happen to him. I was jealous of him at the time because he had the week off. I just remember seeing the people jumping from the top, it was sad because you could hear people crying in the street watching them fall. But I didnt understand back then how much this affected people...
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