Spijkboy / Member

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YES now i got the NES to

Today september 10.. i bought the nes with 2 controllers and the gun and a game genie for more power and with 7 games.. And the games are

Mario Bros / Duckhunt
Kirby's Adventure
Duck Tales 2
Dream Master
Marble Madness
The Adventures of Rad Gravity

Tis all cost 45 euro.. Really cheap because the always asking over here 80 euro with 3 games..
Now i got 3 old School's console's :D.. GEN 16 Bit, NES and SNES.. I'm really happy :D..

I want to start a Union..

I want to start a Union..But there are so many Unions its hard to come up with a Union that dont already exist.. Maybe you got some great idea's.. Maybe a Atari Union but i dont know if there already a lot of this.. And if there is nothing about that then i still got to find 4 members.. So if you're intresting just put it down here :)...

Unions and Reviews on one Website

Because everybody wants that your advertise for there unions.. I came up with a idea.. I build a site from Freewebs.. I know Freewebs s*cks but i didn't want to delete my own site for this :P.. So thats why i used Freewebs.. But on the site you can find all the Unions where i am a Recruit from and al my Reviews that i make.. So dont accept much of the site is just because i cant advertise for al the unions in one signature so i build a website to it :P

Link: www.Gamespot-Unions.tk