Microsoft's ministry of truth never lies, the spy-box one requires you be chipped,tagged and iris scanned and under Big Brother's 24 hour surveillance. The spy-box one's all seeing eye will watch and video record you and your friends and family even while your sleeping, don't attempt to leave the house because the spy-box one is equipped with the latest in drone hovering technology so it will follow you no matter where you go!
Big Brother loves you and wants you to experience the true value of its console.
It seems more logical from a business point of view and I believe far more in the best interest of the good tax paying citizens of Rhode Island if governor Chafee would have delayed for a while at least his press conference, giving Kurt Schilling a better opportunity to secure additional investors...
I have to question governor Chafee's true motives as to why he held a press conference on the matter so quickly and his choice of words with what he had to say.
It was not in the best interest of the tax payers in Rhode Island for governor Chafee to effectively kill 38 Studios and leave them paying off this loan. It would not have been dishonest for the governor to have just kept his honorable mouth shut.
It seems suspicious that Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee would have a public press conference about 38 Studios financial problems to begin with, when all it would really end up doing is spook any additional investors that 38 Studios were looking too for additional funding...
Wouldn't it have been in Rhode Island's best interests to keep a lid on it instead of having governor Lincoln Chafee telling the news media he was doing what he could to keep 38 Studios solvent or that the game Kingdoms of Amalur was a failure?
I always find it interesting how some people use the Lord Jesus name in vain but yet are too cowardly to use hmm, say Muhammad... Oh wait, maybe its because Jesus Christ was loving and come to save everyone by dying on the cross for our sins to save you and I while Muhammad and his followers would cut off your head...
Why do some people insist on licking up everything Blizzard poops out?! Blizzard requires one to always be connected online to play Diablo 3, Blizzards servers can't handle it so many many gamers can't play the game they paid for, now they have to endure having their accounts hacked and losing items and progress...
And they polled EA as being the worst company in America?!
I think 38 studios should've focused on popularizing and expanding the "Kingdoms of Amalur" brand, and if it becomes a successful money maker then put back some of the profits for paying off the loan so the tax payers of Rhode Island aren't left paying the bill, then put money in the bank to pay your employees... Then put whatevers left down the money sucking black hole known as a MMO.
I just can't see how such a small developer could think its a great idea to produce only one game (That wasn't a huge block buster as far as sales are concerned) and then spend every dime they have on creating a MMO... "Kurt- Okay everyone keep dumping wheel barrows full of tax payers dollars down the MMO money hole until we run out, then we'll just lay off everyone! 38 studios- YAY! Thats brilliant!"
SpikeJones767's comments