Spike_97's forum posts
DJ KK hands down...
all time favorate
... lol yeah i noticed that after i posted it... but i just got the update at 10:00!!!
so i didn't kno till then... :D
Super mario RPG is now on the VC!!!
so go get it!
its easily the best snes game on the VC now
Samba De Amigo!!!
i love that game more than i could ever love a human baby...
Anybody else notice how nintendo never puts black people in their video games? Is Nintendo racist or something?
The only character that even sorta looks black is Ganondorf, but I don't really cosider him black.
issn't that shaman in twilight princess black?
and i was wondering what games i should get (JUST KIDDING!!!!)
lol what i really wanted to know is what is a good controller charger.
I'm really looking at the nyko 2 controller charge station if thats a good one
and whats the status on those 4 wiimote charger stations nintendo was showing off at E3 a few years ago... (back when it was the revolution)
also what games do i REALLY need the zapper for... because i want to get umbrella chronicles but i don't want a zapper just yet...
thank you for your time and when i get my wii with brawl ill slap on my friend code on my sig...
Past games have had muliple Fire emblem charactors. And Marth is really popular, I am sure he will make the cut, why through away a pefectly good charactor. The ones who won't make the cut will likely be some of the clones, and perhaps Ice Climbers and Game and Watch.nasty_butler16
i hope so, i agree about the clones and Ice Climbers and Game and Watch, i also think they should take off young link as well.
Please keep all Smash topics in the Smash thread at the top of the forumJaysonguy
please don't **** about the sticky in my topic
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