tehe...random bloggy...
i went shopping today at a craft store...and i found this really cool stencil that has the four elements (fire earth water wind) in chinese symbols...its really cool looking...:P and it has a cute little cherry blossom too...
anyhoo, i also found what im going to be for halloween this year... (i know..very early: for thinking about halloween:P)...a geisha!
:P every year i sew my own costume (sewing is one of the few talents i have lol) and i found this AWESOME pattern for a kimono...there are like four layers so its like a real kimono and the obi (the sash-like thing that holds kimono in place) is really authentic looking...and its the right size...:P on real kimono, the obi is supposed to stretch from one end of a room to another...
:P i was deciding to either be Kimiko from Xiaolin Showdown or a geisha...but now that i found a good pattern, im going to be a geisha...^^'
i don't know if anyone has ever read the book 'memoirs of a geisha' or seen the movie..but its one of my all time favorite books soOo i think im going to get a lot of the details right..tehe
haha sorry...REALLY random bloggie
oh yes! and i finally got the xs cereal! yay!
:P *skips off into the distance following butterflies*