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Video Game Dreams?

This is one of those "get it down while it's fresh" kind of entries, and I just had one last night, but has anyone here ever had a video game related dream?

I ask because I had a very strange, slightly related, video game dream about Penny Arcade's Tycho last night. I had a dream that I was sent an invitation to come to Tycho's house to "game". In the dream I was pumped because I figured that if anyone in the world had a home set up for pure gaming bliss it would be Tycho. The sad thing is, when I got there in the dream, Tycho's house was an absolute dive and he had absolutely no gaming area set up. He told us all that we were free to game, but we were suppose to bring our own gear?! The guy didn't even have any food or snacks to eat!

And when I say that Tycho's house was a dive, I mean it was a real dive. Old furniture, bad plumbing, dirt, and the doors wouldn't open and close properly. It was like going to some kind of backwoods hilly billy shack to play Counter Strike. I can remember being grateful for the invite, but being really upset deep down inside.


Anybody else?