Spirit_of_87's comments

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Edited By Spirit_of_87

1) Einhander: I love shoot em' ups:D So why haven't I played this game? I need to track a mint copy down. 2) Nights: I never owned a Saturn :( 3) Castlevania Curse of Darkness: Having played through every Castlvania game, including the horrible 3D conversions. I need to play this game, I don't care how terrible it is. 4) Gun Valkyrie: I don't own an XBOX 5) Final Fantasy (all) I actually see this as a blessing, as I don't have to carry the burden of comparing every RPG to the Final Fantasy series. Therefore, I am able to enjoy plenty of RPG's without having any anal comparisons to what is said to be the greatest RPG series ever.

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Edited By Spirit_of_87

I've been waiting for this list for a very long time. With the exception of Contra and Ninja Gaiden, it's a very disapointing list and it only reinforces my belief that gamespot users and editors have the worst taste in games.:P The honorable mentions list looks more like my top ten:wink: Where is the love for Duck Tales, Trojan, Castlevainia, Gun Smoke, Gradius, Ghost N' Goblins, Little Nemo: The Dream Master, Jackal, Commando, Cobra Triangle, Alpha Mission etc...