My thirst for rock as been quenched!!! I finally found a rock album that sounds awesome, and doesn't have a single bad track on it. If anyone here knows who boyhitscar is I will give you a cookie. Boyhitscar's new cd, "the passage", is probably one of my favorite cds now. If you have no idea who they are then go to and you can listen to some of the songs.
I am still playing Fable, which isn't too bad of a game. Sometimes it feels like you are doing the same thing over and over again, but it is fairly entertaining. I do like how much freedom you get in the game. I gave up on Knights of the Old Republic, I guess I am not as big of a Star Wars fan that I thought I was, or it could be that I truly hate turn based fighting, either way KOTOR went back on my shelf of forgotten games.
Is it just me or do birthdays become meaningless after the age of 21? Well for me they became pointless at the age of 18. To me they are just another day, nothing special. To celebrate one year older used to mean something, now it is just an another empty day that people think they have to celebrate. I am not bashing birthdays just expressing how some used to mean something, but then when you get older they seem not so important anymore.
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