Couldn't think of a title, can you tell?
I went to play Star Ocean, but found out that I don't have enough room on my memory card, so I guess I got to go buy a memory card pretty soon. I really wasn't going to play it too long but I figure that if I really start to get into it, I might as well be able to save.
Sense I can't figure out how to review games on gamespot, I am going to do it in my journal, so watch out, my opinion is coming your way. I am even going to use my rating system, which I will list below.
Rating System
5 - The greatest game in the world, you should feel special just holding it.
4.5 - Not the greatest, but pretty close
4 - Excellent
3.5 - Above average
3 - Average
2.5 - Rent-able, nothing more.
2 - Lets just hope your friend buys or rents this first.
1.5 - Pretty much complete garbage, but may be so bad that it has a bit of humor to it.
1 - Not even I good idea to rent this pile of crap. You will always find these games at pawn shops.
.5 - When bad games happen to good people. Keep your garbage can close.
I will start reviewing games sometime later on, I will start a few I have already beaten and that are still fresh in my memory. Out of all the games I will review, I will be playing for more than 2 hours, and that is all I can promise, most I will have beaten. Unlike most reviews I will focus on the strong points and not act like a fan boy. And at the end I will post some Pros and Cons. I may not be a fan of a certain genre, but I will do my best to make sure I give whatever game I review the benefit of a doubt. Reviews to look forward to: The Punisher, Cold Fear, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Resident Evil 4, Halo 2, Bloodrayne 2, Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb and Final Fantasy X(well, what I have played).
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