Well my hand is better, and I feel like crap. I am not sick, well not in the sense of feeling bad. I don't know what it is I just don't feel like myself lately. I am always angry at work, I don't care about anything and those "flashbacks" won't stop. It doesn't matter what I do I can't get rid of them. I got to thinking maybe I am seeing all of this for a reason, maybe my mind is trying to tell me something. If my mind is trying to tell me something I really wish it would just flat out tell me and stop this crap.
Enough of that lets chat about what I did this week. I am a bit tired of Fable so I am thinking of putting it up for a little while and start with another game. I am thinking of the Gladiator game I got last week, it is supposed to be pretty good, well for a game that no one played. I need to get GTA: SA, but I am hoping to get that from one of my friends for my b-day, or at least wait until after my b-day to get it. Either way I am getting SA.
I have come to realize something. People around where I live don't care about anything but themselves. Around where I live, it used to be a pretty good place to grow up but recently I have noticed more people being rude to one another and just plain out having a crappy attitude toward everything, maybe that is why I am feeling so crappy lately. It never fails to see someone step all over someone else in the stores or on the street. Maybe it is time for me to start thinking of living outside of Georgia. Maybe in a few years I will save enough money to travel to Alaska for a few weeks and then decide where I really want to live, or maybe find somewhere in Colorado where my brother is supposed to be moving to. Hmmm....where is the cheat code for life when you need it?
I know I said I would put more photos in my journal, I just wanted to find something special for this one but my search came up with nothing so I would rather leave this one picture less, but maybe next time.
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