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Motion Control

These coming months will surely be some to remember. For anyone hiding under a rock, in the next few months two out of the three game companies, Microsoft and Sony, will be launching their motion control devices to the masses. The Playstation Move will be a whole new controller paired with the already existing Playstation Eye which closely resembles the Nintendo Wii setup while Microsoft's device is a simple set top accessory with two cameras that track your movement allowing the player to be the controller.

I would like for both companies to succeed but from what I've seen so far from both parties it's not looking so good. The problem I have with the Move is the fact that you pretty much have to buy everything separately. At E3 they show a price tag of $49.99 and everyone cheered but then you have to take into account that if you want the bundle because you don't already own the PS Eye then you are going to shell out $99.99, then you have to add the Navigational controller which is another $29.99 and then if you want to play games that require a second Move controller that's another $49.99. So to play every game that comes out for this new motion device you're spending upwards of $180 and that doesn't include buying anything extra if you want to play with someone else.

I will say this though, pricing aside I think Sony is doing everything right. For one they aren't isolating the hardcore market by introducing this new setup, in fact the majority of the games can be used with a regular controller. It's just nice to see that motion control can be used for both the casual and hardcore market without alienating either side. Also I love the fact that they're including a game with one of the bundles, something I wish most companies did all the time. I believe all of these reasons will help Sony gain ground for the Move to be successful.

Microsoft's device called Kinect is a whole other monster. This long bar like device sits on top of your TV and tracks your movements via a system of cameras. I like the idea but I was shown nothing new or interesting at E3 and unless they have something hidden from public few that no one knows about I don't see this thing doing very well. Now I'm not saying it won't sell well when it launches but I don't see any promise after all the hype dies down. I also have a major problem with the pricing, I just can't see myself paying $150 for an accessory which doesn't include a game! What angers me is that I want it to succeed but I don't want a lot of shovel-ware, basically the main reason why my Wii doesn't get a lot of attention. This is beginning to resemble the 360 launch, where they have the technology and they could fix all the bugs and glitches and have it ready within 10 months but more than likely they'll rush it out the door like it is, half working. What I think Microsoft should do is first and foremost make sure the device is 100% ready at launch. Remove the price tag and make it between $99.99 - $129.99 but pair it with a game. And most importantly, drop the price of games, these aren't Halo and Gears of War games we're talking about and I'm not paying $60 to play with a virtual pet!