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Path of foreshadowing leading to the end.

Yes I know, I haven't been on in what may seem like forever. All I can say is that I am getting my life situated. I will be getting a notebook computer within the next two months and will be starting school once more, and hopefully the last time, within six months. Nothing really new to speak of besides the games I have been playing.

Let me start off with a game I got from a friend for Christmas. Uncharted Drakes's Fortune was a pretty good game, the graphics were nice, the combat system didn't take too long to get used to and the environments were simple and believeable. The story on the other hand was really good at first but then toward the end it felt as if they tried to cram one half of the game in a small two hour play through. It felt a lot like Prince of Persia had a baby with Tomb Raider.

The next game I will talk about a lot of people on here have already played through, Mass Effect. Now I liked everything about the game but the story is what made me love the game. I was getting a little frustrated with the frame rate issues but at least it didn't break the game. Toward the end I was a little bored of doing the side missions so I went a head and just finished it, I think the entire game took me 21 hours to fully complete, which isn't bad for an RPG.

And last but not least, my favorite out of the three, Assassin's Creed. I have no idea why AC is getting such mixed reviews, I simply loved this game. The graphics were amazing, the controls were incredibly smooth and very easy to get used to, and the story I thought was extrememly entertaining. I know the end was just a large teaser for the sequal but I still enjoyed every second of game play. The story wasn't as good as Mass Effect but for some reason AC had me hooked from the beginning and basically kept me hooked through out the entire game.

Now this Friday I will be pre-ordering GTA 4 and maybe Dark Sector. Dark Sector is one of those games that I had read about a long time ago and then never heard about it since, I just happen to look at the up coming releases and the game caught my eye. Other than those two I have been thinking of maybe one or two more games to add to the list. I was thinking of Call of Duty 4, but I won't be playing multi player so I am still unsure. Mario Galaxy is another but I think I want to play something a little more violent at the moment, same thing with Nights I am not sure I want to play that kind of game. And then there is The Orange Box, I really need to get this game of course my only question is which system to get it for, I have looked at videos and besides the loading screens, which the PS3 takes maybe a second or two longer than the 360, they are pretty much the same so I am thinking of just going with the PS3 version.

Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years and I am not sure if I am fully back but I will do my best to be on here every now and then.