I was recently in the forums just looking around at all the posts when I came across one about certain game stores selling used games for new, so I had to put my two cents into this one. As I read all the post about the subject I was surprised to see some of the people basically saying, "who cares if the game has no plastic on it, as long as the game plays fine then it shouldn't matter if the game is being sold as new". I am sorry but if I pay 50 bucks for a game it better be wrapped in plastic, I want to be the first person to put that game in a console. I don't like how Gamestop lets their employees take home games to play at home and then takes those same games that are considered "game displays" which will be sold as new as soon as the have no more sealed copies left. Now I am not trying to blame anyone for this matter but like I stated and like how a lot of people stated in the forum, why is giving a discount for opened games such a hard concept to consider? I really don't buy new games all that much anyway so when I do buy a new game then I have a few expectations I want met when purchasing a game. Like for one I want to be the one to remove the plastic and the side stickers and then to actually open the game case for the first time so that I may smell the new game smell, that is why I am buying the game new. If I wanted to buy a game that had already been opened I would buy a used game. Another thing that I thought was interesting was a person who posted something about most game stores logic when it came to used and new game terms, like if the game comes from the manufacture but had to be opened is still considered new everything else is considered used. So I will take this logic and make up a situation that could or probably already has screwed someone out of some money, let me explain.
Little Johnny's mom has no idea what to get Johnny for his birthday, so she walks into the local game store because she knows how much he loves playing video games and decides to get him one. With no idea on what to get him she picks up one of the new releases but since the store doesn't have any sealed copies of the game she will have to settle for a "new" copy that has been opened only because it was store display but will still have to pay full price, after all as long as it plays fine it shouldn't matter right? Well little Johnny's birthday is here at last and goes to open the present his mother got him, well to Johnny's surprise his mother bought him a game he already owned. So the next day they go to return the brand new game that was only opened for store display and I can only imagine what kind of conversation would go on between the store clerk and the parent.
That situation would probably met with "we can replace the game with another one just like it" or "you can sell it to use for half of what you paid original".
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