I begin to weaken as they attack me from all sides. I can't handle all of them at once, there are literally hundreds clawing at me, ripping my skin open. My blood is draining from my body and then I fall to my knees. I lay in a puddle of my own blood high enough to drawn me. I can feel my last heart be....................
*Sky turns red, the clouds begin to break and a flash of light shoots down to the ground in gulping our soldier*
I open my eyes. The same energy that ran through my body before is now running threw me now. I feel stronger and with more power than ever before. The energy lifts me off the ground and I hear the voice, "prepare yourself". I am bombarded with a rush of power at one time and it is beginning to take its toll on my body. The pain is becoming unbearable, and I begin to yell.
When I am back on my feet I waste no time. There are still thousands left, and I am back better than ever. Slashing through the mid section of their guard, I move like never before. They were strong before but I now take the advantage, they are no match for me. With all the body parts and blood spewing from every slice, I feel no need to rest. I begin to see fear in their faces as they know I am about to end their lives. All this killing is starting to turn more into pleasure than my thirst to be free. When several body mounds begin to form, I hear a horn which is calling them back. I have won this battle, now it is time to finish this war.
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