Spiritgod / Member

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Wanting to love through hardship.

I've been fighting with Fallout New Vegas to work properly for the last few days. Each moment I think I'm enjoying myself the game will freeze up and make me get up to reset the console. What I don't understand is how a game developer like Bethesda could allow a game such as this to ship with as many bugs and glitches as this game has. There is no way the quality team didn't run into what many gamers are having to deal with right now. The sad thing is, I really want to love this game and at first I did but after the 25th game freeze I pretty much had to say enough. I've stopped playing for now but when and if I go back I'm just going to finish the story and put it up until a patch hits, otherwise I'd be putting in some major hours with side quests and other such hunts. Don't get me wrong, the game is fantastically written, the game world is, in my opinion, 10x better than Fallout 3, and overall it's a wonderful gaming experience but when you hit a dead stop it kind of takes away from the experience. I'll definitely go back but it'll take another patch to get me back in to playing.

As I sit here typing away on this keyboard Fable 3 is sitting on my desk staring at me. I wasn't neglecting it but it seems Fallout kind of had all my attention. I've heard mixed feelings about the third installment but that won't keep me from trying to enjoy it. This time around though I'm going to have to do things a little differently, for starters I'm going to do one quest at a time, or maybe one main quest and one side quest. Hopefully that will keep the game breaking bugs at bay. I really do hope this makes me love the Fable universe, I have my doubts but it and Final Fantasy are two franchises that I've always wanted to get into but have always been unable to. Final Fantasy has the turn-based, which I'll never get into but Fable seemed right up my alley and for some reason it was never meant to be. I'll see though, starting tomorrow I'll be Fable bound.