In advance... sorry for the wall of text. But hey its been along time so I'm excused at least this once.
8 months. Thats how long its been since I've made a single post on the Gamespot forums. Life gets busy it would seem when you get married. But things have quieted down and the dust has begun to settle, and now I'm back.
Pretty soon I will be employed with a game developement house here in Dallas, TX once again. This time next month I will be living the dream as I did before.
Though I am extremely excited to begin working with them again thats not the reason for my first blog in like 2 years, well not entirely at least.
I'm a gamer to the core and when I can't fit games into life I feel at a loss. Not particularly whole or satisfied with any day that passes by. I begin to feel like a husk performing thoughtless tasks just to earn a paycheck and go on moving about my daily business. This could be in part from the soul sucking job I am currently performing, but not entirely. My time for games in the last months has been almost nothing. I felt drained, like a zombie, just moving about on auto pilot driven forward by some unknown force.
This all changed a few weeks ago though. My tax return came in and I finally had enough money to buy what I've wanted for years, a Wacom Cintiq drawing tablet. Suddenly I was filled ideas, creative thoughts sprang forth. I was excited. It didn't end there though. It seemed not but a day afterward I recieved a call from the game company asking if i was still interested in employment. Oh yes I was! I gleefully accepted their offer. All this excitement got me going. It's like that fourwheeler you had when you were a kid that was electric start, but now that you're both old you've got to use the kick start to get it going. It's like all I needed was that kick start then suddenly everything was falling into place.
I hadn't really sat down and enjoyed any real games since Mass Effect came out last Nov. I beat it Tuesday. It was every bit as enjoyable as the rest of Bioware's excellent line-up. I also picked up Okami for the Wii. It was actually as a gift for the wife which I ended up playing alot more than her. I love the art style and music in it. The whole Japanese water color painting thing really does it for me. I'm at the last "dungeon" if you can call it that getting ready to face the final boss, at least I assume its the last one.
Point is that I'm greatly enjoying these games, and in return life seems better. I saw the family this weekend for my wifes graduation. Everyone enjoyed some rounds of good ol' Wii sports. The bowlings popular with the older folks in my family it would seem. My parents as a gift bought me GTA IV before they left to go back home. My mom tells me she got it so I could keep in touch with my brother. How sweet. :P. Aparently when they were at my brothers house for part of the week he was playing it and said he wished I'd had the game so my mom figured she buy it. Anyway played it a good 6 hours or so in the last two days and it looks like I've got another great game to dive into for the next month or so at least.
Well enough about all that though. Onto the main reason for the update.
I'll be updating my blog at least once a week for now untill I finish my personal website. Then the blogging will take place there 3 to 5 days a week. I'll stick to more gaming and less me spewing out boring stories about how my life sucked for a while. You can also look forward to a webcomic to accompany the blog, also in the near future.
It's good to be back in the game again.