He is right about entering a serial. i feel happy that i have to enter this code. But i dont like getting a message (execed pc installations) its like being kicked in the nuts for something you bought. Now i use steam which is brillant its the future gamestores will go out of buisness in the future. DRM as the guy from Razor said a challenge, if it gets harder to crack they keep trying and trying and when they crack they get a great pleasure out of it. B.S no DRM people get bonus's, they can install it on many computers ( i have 5 pcs) A reason most people pirate is, the price of games (well in australia) cause we have to pay so much for just 1 game. 120 (AUD). We need a new comapany to come up with a brillant idea (razer 1911 should make their own and sell it)
I love 2D Boy's approach to all this. NONE AT ALL! But DRM is a load of poo, i often find pirated games run much better then legit versions. Someone needs to ofer a new kind of DRM, right now i love Valve's approach along with 2D boy. Steam is brillant, the only downside is people with slow internet and small download limits (most of australia) The game creators should make their own DRM.
TurambarGS - i agree, make a good game and people will buy it. DoW II i will buy, FEAR 2 i will buy! Advantage of having PS3, regoin free. i dont need to chip it! just import it for much cheaper then AUS, but that raises a question. If i can import it for cheaper USD then why am i paying much more? DRM is not the answer, cause it just causes proplems and law suits. Most DRM install a rootkit to hide its self which is illgeal!
No PC games... equals Console Piracy... No Console means No game industry! DRM is stupid, unless you need some online registration, most people have the internet now Main Factor Price of Games, i would would pay for more games if i could afford it. Everone has pirated a game and they want us to feel bad, if you make a good game people will buy it (xbox 360 has losts of games which are mostly bad)
Cut the price of games, i buy my games from steam now. But since the AUD is low the games are a bit more expensive but still cheaper than Game stores. I hate how games are modified for australia, its like saying heres GTAIV the DEMO insted of GTAIV. Digital Distributation is the way to go, DRM software is not the way, that SECUREROM that you can only install anumber of times, what would happen if you lost/dont have internet? (not sure how it works) Insted of paying $99.95 for L4d i got it on steam for $60, if the store dropped its prices like that it would be great.
the ps3 is more powerfull, but since the game need to be lanched on 2 consoles the 360 would explode. i havn't seen the 360 super computer yet i have seen the ps3 super computer. exclusive titles are the best looking games in the world on the ps3
Importing is a good way to go. I went into EBgames and asked for a game, he says they dont have it and wont get it. So i go online and within 10 seconds i find it. I manged to get a price of what it was going to be in EBgames 100.00 and i got it online for 60.00 + 5.00 postage. I plan to import most my game. Importing is better because -You can get banned games -Get uncensored games [gtaiv] -much cheaper Downloading with steam is the worst idea if you computer blows up you cant get it back, you forget your steam password. If you going to buy from a store dont buy EBgames, go to JB its cheaper
Im thinking this isnt because the console but the game dev's them selfs They have not used the PS3, its a monster of a machine, but they are taming it, giving it less to do. Whats wrong with the bluring? i quite like the bluring it makes it look (unknow word(good mabey?)). @Sh0p0w GT looks SO GOOD The reason its dose is cause its only for PS3, and the guys who made it know the POWER of the beast. @Phr4nk0 It dose have an effect, more room for textures, sounds and coding - did i say GTA4 on 360 had 10% less then PS3? The PC games that look so GOOD are taking more room up on my harddrives Buts it hard to compare the PS only games with M$ only Games. The PS3 is in for the LONG run Gamespot, should redo this. in 1080i def with HDMI Gamspot is no biased, ever though some one handed some one money to do/say somthing? im no PS3 fan, nor a 360, nor a Wii fan - The PC is always the best Im want to see a game Work the PS3
GTA IV is MA+15, what did they remove, i hear F### so often in the game, like i bumb a car "f$#@" By the time im 18, and have a car i hope we have a R+18 if not , spam email for the govt. Honstly why dont we have it, It would give a parents a better idea of what their getting, more choice is better. it will be like the movies. If we get R+18 rating for gamers, which are like 22 y.o. nowdays. IT would make their job SOOOOOOO much easier, and if they get to test the game then ban it, do they still keep the abnned version and play it ? why can they play it and not let us decide?
I understand that the lack of an R18+ classification denies some adults the chance to play some games, however, the need to keep potentially harmful material away from children is far more important," Atkinson said. Yes so the children can donwload it via bittorrent or Rapidshare and burn it and give it to all his friends who give it to his friends, ect ect. Your tryping to stop illgeal downloading? (annoying adds on dvds) ur causing it ! "There are not adequate safeguards that can properly protect our children from those disturbing scenes and I know how computer-literate they are. Like other parents in Australia, I want to try to protect children from being able to access computer-generated pornography and violence." Have a look, the ps3 has contet levels, i can change what to not show, i would image the 360 would have somthing like that. best prevention, dont sell games to people under 18? DUH! Dont want you children to see anything inapporprate? Why not ban them from the world and school? School - Vilonce and Swearing | The World? "nudity, swearing, racisim, viloince, ect" "How old are you son, 14 im sorry your not aloud to go outside or turn the tv on or have a shower" fyi: the world is a viloient place "Im sorry this game has to much nudity" well so dose nude beaches and when your having a shower! Im sorry sun no shower for you we gotta censor you! The OFLC is stuffed up. they ban everything they do them selfs! -The police shoot people -the news is pretty vilonet But a ban on life. when your at it
Spyder25000's comments