The reason is online multiplayer. It was originally introduced as a way to add replay value,butit became a main selling point. This shifted focus away from single player and shifted it towards the very competitive multiplayer. The competition of online multiplayer made things frustrating and not fun. Devs need to give singleplayer more focus if they wish to keep games fun. Hopefully,games like Infamous 2 and Medal of Honor will shift the focus back to where it belongs,and defeat the frustration of forced multiplayer.
Spygamesrock Blog
My first blog post.
by Spygamesrock on Comments
Well,I suppose I better start by introducing myself. Hi,I'm Spygamesrock. From my name,you probably know what kind of games I like. I prefer 3rd Person shooters,and free roam games as well. For my first blog post, I'd like to state my opinions. #1- First Person Shooters are overrated. Devs churn out 10 every year and they're usually all the same thing: Modern Military action with an overpowered grenade launcher. #2- I hate japenese RPGs. The whole thing is weird. Characters are either feminine looking or uber muscular. I don't like it because I like real looking characters. #3- I like a good story in video games. I truly believe that it is possible to have TV style story development with video games while the game still being fun to play. That's all I can think of for now. Feel free to comment.
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