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My first blog post.

Well,I suppose I better start by introducing myself. Hi,I'm Spygamesrock. From my name,you probably know what kind of games I like. I prefer 3rd Person shooters,and free roam games as well. For my first blog post, I'd like to state my opinions. #1- First Person Shooters are overrated. Devs churn out 10 every year and they're usually all the same thing: Modern Military action with an overpowered grenade launcher. #2- I hate japenese RPGs. The whole thing is weird. Characters are either feminine looking or uber muscular. I don't like it because I like real looking characters. #3- I like a good story in video games. I truly believe that it is possible to have TV style story development with video games while the game still being fun to play. That's all I can think of for now. Feel free to comment.