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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Situation

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Situation
High school...they won't my best of years nor were they my worst. But there were some (very) unusual events that happen in those days that I could still remember clearly. Sadly, this story is not one of them as I cannot recall some of the details anymore. But what I do remember was that it was our last class of the day, less than an hour before the school bell rang to signal the release of us back into the streets.

Quietly we sat in class waiting for our teacher to enter the classroom, but she did not appear. Fifteen minutes passed, and still no teacher. One of my classmate decided to head down to the teachers office to find out what was going on. She returned to inform us that she was told that the teacher was on her way. So we waited and waited and waited. Being young teens back then, patience was a virtue that few of us had, and once again, one of us went back down to the office to find out what was going on. You see...there was this unwritten rule that if a teacher doesn't turn up before the final (by the way, in university, it's the first 15) fifteen minutes of class then class was dismissed (or something like that) for that session, and our minds were concentrated on that thought.

When our classmate returned with no news, and since it was now fifteen minutes (I think) before the final bell rang...we hesitated for a few seconds...and then all the daring boys left school with great joy, followed by the more timid classmates. I do not remember what I did with the extra fifteen minutes of that day, but I trust I put them to fabulous use. The reason why I believe that to be the case was because I woke up late the next day (I never wake up late) and I was late for school.

I was told in the passed by my peers that there was no way to sneak-in through the front gates because the area was too opened. The only possible way in was through the back gate (which I oftened used to sneak-out), but that was watched by the discipline master. Having had many experiences sneaking in and out of various schools in the past, I was confident I could get pass the discipinarian.

I was careful and made my way towards the back gate, I knew of a few good spots where the man could be watching from and spied on those areas. I got worried when I found those spots empty. Not knowing where he was, I made my way through the gate instead of climbing over the fence. I was totally surprised at how easily I snuck back into school and made it all the way to the class corridor without being caught.

Stepping into my classroom, I found the whole room completely empty!

Believe me, there was no school holiday that day! So I took a peek at the other classrooms and found classes had just begun for those. I returned to my classrom and sat and waited. My teacher arrived a minute later and she was surprised to see me in the room, she then informed me that the rest of my mates were out in the courtyard. I went down and took a peek out and found my class standing outside under the hot sun. And in front, under the shade, was the discipinarian watching them. It seemed I had escaped punishment! Returning to &#lass, I wanted to asks the teacher why she did not turn me in. But I did not want to put that thought into her head so I simply sat down and waited. My mates finally returned to class some minutes later, a few of them, on the verge of a heat stroke. Predictably, when recess came, I was boasting about my escape from punishment. Many of my friends however were not interested in my tale, but were rather furious at their punishment. Few thought it was completely their fault, and felt that they were punished as a result of the school's own failures, the failure of the teacher to turn up, the failure of the principle to get a replacement, and the failure of the teachers to keep us informed. Our time was valuable to us, and we merely initiated our own actions since the school staff did not bother to. And so we agreed that the principle and staff were mostly to blame.

The reason why I have decided to share this particular chronicle of my life with you guys is because I wanted to talk about how I find justice to be often like this days. (There are so many other stories of my life that I could use as examples, but this one is a more lighter tale.) We sometimes think we are the good guys, and will not take the share of the blame. We push the entire blame on the bad guys. The bad guys on the other hand, feel that they should not be entirely to blame but their voices fall on deaf ears. Being the bad guy that I am, I never really like these 'good' people. For crying out loud! Just share some the blame!