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This weeks Riddle

Join the League of Riddle Decipherers
Join the LoRDs: It's the better Answer!
Thinkers, Brainiacs and Sleuths, here's the HTML code for our League's sig and slogan: <center> <img src="http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a374/Spyrick/League/LoRDs350x20.jpg" alt="Join the League of Riddle Decipherers"/> <font color=#334455 face="Impact">Join the LoRDs: It's the better Answer!</font> </center>
Use it proudly and wisely.
LoRDs and not, here's the riddle for this week.
Excellent, field with spring for the four fingered. The answers to the cryptic riddles are titles to television shows. If you know the answer to any of the cryptic riddles, PM me. Please do not leave the answer in the comment box. There are also emblems to be awarded to those who manage to solve a certain number of riddles correctly. See here for details: The Emblems And if you're looking for the rest of my cryptic television riddles, Cryptic Television Riddles
Interesting links: Regards to all Blog of cool and not so cool links Exercising your Music Muscle
Links to other uninteresting profiles of me: My Gamespot.com My mp3.com My TVRage.com