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Treats before the Lunar New Year

FuWith the Lunar New Year fast approaching, those who celebrate this auspicious holiday often decorate their homes with the chinese word "Fu" placed upside down. The word means 'Luck' and by placing it upside down, it means that luck will be coming.
The new year (Year of the Dog, 29 Jan 06 ~ 18 Feb 07) will be a good one for those who marry during this period. This is because the coming Chinese New Year has 2 Springs (Spring is always on the 5th of Feb), and that means double happiness. So don't be surprise if you notice lots of Chinese having weddings in 2006.
However for those like me who are born in the Year of the Dog, the coming lunar new year will be an unlucky one, I am told. So if something bad should happen to me, this may be the cause.
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Oh yes, regarding your treat, many have asked me how I was able to play music on my blog. That was all thanks to Inuyashadude101 who showed me the code. So be sure to thank him should you decide to use the code. The code is:

<IMG height=1 loop=infinite dynsrc="Put URL of song here" width=1 autostart=true>

An example:

<IMG height=1 loop=1 dynsrc="http://members.home.nl/riannebosman/plolytones/A-Ha-Take_On_Me.mid" width=1 autostart=true>

And for those who may not have already noticed, we can have counters on our blog. This means we can count the number of times people have visited the blog or even count the number of new visitors. If you want to have a counter on your blog, then click one of the counters below and follow their instructions.Note also that the counter can be moved to the next blog and so on. I had moved my free counter from the previous blog to this blog.Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com
Riddle#26:Image hosted by Photobucket.com Before ray and me, is the key to My Funny Valentine.

The answer to the cryptic riddle is a title to a television show. If you know the answer to this cryptic riddle, PM me. Please do not leave the answer in the comment box.
For those who are wondering when the emblems for the riddle solvers will be ready, sorry, I'm still working on them.
And if you're looking for the rest of my cryptic television riddles?Click here!
Lastly, I would like to dedicate this song 'In My Life' by 'The Beatles' to Angelsxo. I assume you like 'The Beatles', Mary. I hope you get better soon.

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Links to other uninteresting profiles of me:
My Gamespot.com
My mp3.com