1. The 'Most Romantic Blog' Contest Update Contest has ended on the 28th of this month. There are currently 13 nominated entrees and they are:
Current list of nominees:
i. When You Wake, You'll Have Cake, And All The Pretty Little Horses by Kimba66
ii. It's Not All Roses, But Maybe Some Guns by Kimba66
iii. Wil Yo Ma M ? by booksnbeach4me
iv. V Day by HEYHEY_MYMY
v. A Valentine's Rerun by Stig14
vi. My entry into the Romantic Blog Contest by awerlwas
vii. Valentine's Day!!!! ---plus banner info and a quote.... by Tainted256
viii. I should have paid more attention to him - edited 2-19-06 by Booksnbeach4me
ix. **Romantic blog*** just cause I feel like it by Inu_Kikyo
x. Romantic banner by Angelsxo
xi. Laird of Love, Part 1 & Laird of Love, Part 2 by DevilishDiva84
xii. THE romantic blog by monster_monster
xiii. My Entry into Spyrick's Most Romantic Blog Contest by mini2z
2. A Rascal’s Tragic Romance I was not happy with my previous romantic story, and the reactions I received were luke warm. So I decided to whip out the big guns. I'm not a writer, so I have to rely on this great story itself to impress. Be warned, the tale I am about to tell is a tear jerker. (Note: This tale is only a digested version of my original tale.) Many, many years ago, at an age when boys were just boys and girls were just girls, and adults were just huge giants who would stop us from having any fun. I was your typical Bart Simpson. I was nine or ten years old, and I hated school very much. I really hated being in school, the teachers were always yelling at me, there was always fights and the lessons were boring. I did however like the trips to and from school. Why? You see, I lived pretty far away from school, and so I was one of the very few that were picked up first by the school bus. And there was this girl who took the same bus with me. And during those few moments when the bus was still slightly empty, the two of us would start teasing each other. I would tease her for being a girl, and she would tease me for being, well, everything else. And this would go on every day in the bus, to and from school. And we were safe in the knowledge that no one knew of our affair. She wore these big pair of glasses and had straight long hair, and she had a lovely voice that I liked. She was also in my classes, but we never spoke to each other there, and I never knew why. Perhaps I was afraid the other guys would laugh at me. One day in class, while the teacher was away, I noticed she had removed her glasses and was brushing her hair in front of a little mirror she was holding. She looked pretty; I could see her beautiful hazel eyes staring into the mirror. I wanted to say something about how she looked, so I said it in the only way I knew how, I teased her for being vain. The rest of the boys joined me in laughing at her, and teasing her. She immediately popped her mirror back into her pocket and ran straight out of class. We laughed even louder, and started celebrating our victory with loud cheers. It wasn’t long before our teacher returned and called out our names. We were brought outside of the principle’s office to await our punishment. Standing outside the door of the office, we shrugged at each other, mumbling ‘what was the big deal’. We soon learned from the teacher that she had ran out of the classroom in tears, and had gone to see the vice-principle to be consoled. I also found out then, that one of the boys, Andy, had called her ugly at that time. Several emotions crept into me. I tried to shrug them away. A few minutes later, the vice-principle came out of the office with her, she was a little teary eyed, but she had a big smile on her face. She stared at me with her big pair of hazel eyes and with a big grin said “I know you didn’t mean what you said”. It frightened me a little when she said it, but the vice-principle’s stare was even more frightening, her smile said ‘everything’s alright now’, but her eyes said “You lucky SOB!”. Later on the bus right home, I wondered if she would ever speak to me again. I was relieved when she took the initiative to break the ice. She teased me about my hair. I teased her back and was glad that things were back to normal again. But at the back of my mind, I knew that things would never be the same as before. She didn’t turn up for school the next day, and I thought it was my fault. At the end of the day, Andy and I fought. I don’t remember why we fought and I didn’t much care. We were friends before, but not any more. I left him on the ground crying, but my face was badly bruised too. I had a black eye and the inside of my mouth was cut, but I felt better. Early the next day, Andy didn’t turn up for school, but she did. We didn’t talk in the bus on the way to school, although I thought she wanted to say something to me. In class, the teacher made an announcement about her that left me confused; today was the last day of school for her here because her parents were moving to Australia. The class was to say goodbye to her during recess. When the bell rang for recess, I couldn’t think of anything to say. So I ran, I climbed over the school gates, and I ran. I remembered there was this flower shop several blocks away, but it turned out to be more than just a few blocks away. It probably took me an hour or so to find the flower shop, and when I went in, I got nervous. I wondered if the florist might realize I had run away from school, and that she would call the police. But when the florist took a look at my bruised face, she gave a look of pity. She softly asked me how she could help, and I asked her for a stem of red rose. But then I realized that I may not have enough money to pay for it. The florist however brought me a pink carnation; and said it was free. She also gave me a small card to write on, I borrowed a pen and wrote down that I was sorry, and that I really liked her. With the flower and card, I walked back to school. When I got back to school, I found a police patrol car at the school grounds. I knew then that I was in trouble. I tried to rush back to class, but I got caught! It was the principle. I was dragged to his office, where I found a police officer, Andy’s mother and my mum, waiting in the office. I had been missing from school for more than a couple of hours, the police had been called, Andy’s mum had come in to complain about my fight with her son, and my mum had been called in from work. I knew I was going to be caned by the principle and my mum. I was punished often in that way, and I was used to it, and I always took it like a man. The minutes went by slowly as I was scolded, whipped and slapped in the office. The school bell rang, and class was dismissed, but I was still in the principle’s office being screamed at by the principle. I thought about the flower and card in my pocket, I wanted to run out of the office, and look for her, but my mum was at the door. I could see through the office window, the school bus driving out of the school gates. And for the first time in a long time…I cried. I cried long and hard, I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to her.
3. The League of Riddle Decipherers
How do I join? Persons may only be eligible for membership when he/she has correctly answered 5 or more of my television riddles. Upon their success, the person will be awarded an emblem stating their achievement and respective rank. On receiving their award, the person is automatcally a member of LoRDs.
What are the Emblems and Rank? The TV Thinker
Awarded to those who have solved at least 5 riddles correctly. The TV Brainiac
Awarded to those who have solved at least 15 riddles correctly. The TV Sleuth
Awarded to those who have solved at least 25 riddles correctly.
What are the membership priviledges? Members are awarded certain priviledges according to their respective ranks. What these privileges are, has yet to be finalised. I am currently looking for suggestions from members in these regard. What else is in store? A Club Logo, Club Moto, Club Sigs and Club Song are in the works. Assistance in these regards are welcomed from members.
To mark this special occasion for the LoRDs, this week, we shall have 2 new riddles instead of 1.
Riddle#31: Almost all fired up at the tower.
Riddle#32: Green and in need of a hitchhiker's guide to anger management. The answers to the cryptic riddles are titles to television shows. If you know the answer to any of the cryptic riddles, PM me. Please do not leave the answer in the comment box. There are also emblems to be awarded to those who manage to solve a certain number of riddles correctly. See here for details: The Emblems And if you're looking for the rest of my cryptic television riddles,
5. If You Can't Beat Them, Buy Them Out! As you all know by now, The CoBB (Cult of the Blue Boxies) won 'Best Cult' in the January 2006 Superlatives. This is despite the fact that the blue quote box is no longer available. The cult probably won because of it's huge membership base. As such, there is no way that the LoRDs is able to beat them in the next awards, or is there.... In order for the LoRDs to beat them, The CoBB must become a subsidiary of the LoRDs. But how? We need to give them something that they want, something that they need. But what do they want? The Blue Boxie of course! The cult is incomplete without it. And I have it! Here's a sample using Studog's old Stats:
Studog's Stats:
Rank : Wardrobe Malfunction Level : 34 Percentage : 48% Forum Posts: 2923 Increase : 22% Increase : 8 Submissions Reviews
Accepted : 2293 (+51) Shows : 30 (-) Pending : 4 (-) Episodes : 91 (-) Denied : 34 (-) People : 10 (-) Total : 2331 (+51) Total : 131 (-) Blogs : 121
So Founder and members of The CoBB, you want it? Then surrender the cult to The LoRDs. Was I kidding? Maybe...maybe not. Regardless, I'll wait a while for someone to figure out how I did it. :D
6. Interesting links: Blog of cool and not so cool links Exercising your Music Muscle
Links to other uninteresting profiles of me: My Gamespot.com My mp3.com My TVRage.com