Scientists since the beginning of time have been trying to solve the riddle of the most controversal question in scientific studies to date.."What is the meaning of Life." To have a meaning of life one must respect the truth that comes with before any meaning can be achieved...a truth must be evaluated.
Scientists have found the meaning of life...but so has every individual who has lived long enough to make choices and discern the difference between good and evil. Truth is...the reason why one answer cannot be agreed on is simply two people are the same. There is no single means of life but only single means of life for each individual person. One person's meaning of life will be different than someone elses.
So the meaniing of life is nothing more than a mere factor...choice. We choose our destiny...what our life will ultimately end up as. And a choice of one life forms another life...the meaning of a person's life involves two immense factors...their own personal choice and the choice made by ones who bore life to them (parents). life itself. The meaning of life is the truths and factors that lie therein that separate each and every individual as their own free willed spirit. Problem solved.