Holidays are here! Starting today i will have 2 weeks of doing absolutely nothing and posting.
Anyway we have an englsh assignment over the holidays but this is going to be the most fun thing ever beacuse we have to make a soap opera and film it for the class to watch, our groups idea is "Beatchwatch" which is pretty much a copy of baywatch where we are all lifeguards and we have to save people and stuff. It's pretty funny since my friend has to pretend to be asian as part of it and my other friend has to be a girl in it.We are going to film it within the next week at the beach so i will tell you how it turns out and post a video of it.Also if you have any ideas for the filming you can post them here.
Also i am now going to be making a blog entry every day from now on if i can just saying what i did for that day and whats happening soon.