Hello guys, sorry I haven't been posting as much on your blogs and stuff. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm not going to be coming on GS as much for a while, there has been some pretty hard stuff going onin my life recently and I really haven't been in the mood to come on GS or to play games in general. In a nutshell some people that I care for very deeply (and one person in particular) are moving very very far away, to Montana, which if you drive takes like 3 days to get there from here, but the thing is that they're abusive father is forcing them to move to Montana, I don't know why they won't just stay and let him leave but that doesn't matter because they're leaving really early tommorow morning, so there you go. I will get Overlord 2 tommorow and I'm really looking forward to playing it, but I might not, I don't know. But I guess this is sort of a cya later to you guys for awhile, I'll still be updating my game collection and posting reviews every once in a while, but for now, cya later.
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