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Gaming Updates Vol. 8

Ok, once again, sorry for not posting a blog in a little while, I have not been in a bloggy mood at all lately, I have many ideas floating around in my head though (one of which is a continuation of another Bitter Gamer blog, but it's just an idea), maybe I'll put one of those into a blog. Anyway in gaming news I started Beyond Good and Evil about 3 or 4 days ago, and I'll probably beat it tomorrow, as you can see it's a fairly short game, it took me like 12 hours to get to where I'm at in the game. As for Age of Empires, I've beaten Age of Empires, Age of Empires: The Rise of Rime, Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings, Age of Empires 3, and Age of Empires 3: The War Chiefs, so I've beaten all of the Aoe games except for AoE 2: The Conquerors, and AoE 3: Asian Dynasties. As you probably have already guessed I'm getting pretty freaking tired of Age of Empires, maybe if it wasn't so flippin difficult I wouldn't be so tired of it but I can't change that; also I believe I told Rheinmetal that AoE 2 was easier than the original AoE, it's not, it hard, very hard, walk into it slowly! So right now I'm trying to decide whether or not to go ahead and start and finish The Conquerors. If I move on and play something else (which I'm leaning towards)I'll either play Civ. 3 or Siberia -I'm like Microsoft, between Sony and Nintendo I don't know what the frick to do!-, and this is where you guys help out, start voting! :D At any rate you guys can expect 2 more reviews coming from me within a few days for Beyond Good and Evil and Age of Empires 2.

I have also decided, yep that's right I decided, without votes :D ..... I've decided to save up in order to purchase a PS3 slim, one of the reasons I couldn't get one in the first place was that I didn't have enough room for the giant thing, but now that they giving consumers a slim version, well, that just makes everything awesome. Once I get one I plan on getting some games like Valkyria Chronicles, Infamous, LittleBigPlanet, aswell as all those great exclusives that are coming to the console, that's one of the advantages the PS3 has over the competition, fantastic exclusives, sure the 360 has Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, and Overlord, and the WII has Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Smash Brothers Brawl, but the PS3 has a pretty good amount of fantastic exclusive games, aswell as many others coming out for it later this year and next year. Put that together with the Blue-Ray player, built-in Wi-Fi, and it's smaller size and you have a really awesome console, that gives you a great amount of bang for your buck. Don't get me wrong I love Xbox 360, I'm just excited to finally get a PS3.