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The Bitter Gamer- Vol. 3: Actions Games, Going Overboard?

Lasy year, according to GameInformer Magazine 25 out of the top 50 games of the year were..... you guessed it action games, and the rest of the game genres were in small numbers with RPGs have only 5 of the top 50 games of the year (but take away Fallout 3). Do you remember in the days of the original PlayStation and even in the PlayStation 2 era, were they're was a very nice balance among games, it was a very nice time for gamers everybody had what they wanted. But now, well now, they're is such a massive amount of action games on the market that it isn't possible for all gamers to get what they want, for example, I probably can only count 6 or 7 RPGs for the X360. Also think of some of the biggest releases of last year FarCry 2, Gear Of War 2, Left 4 Dead, BioShock, DevilMayCry 4, and don't forget GrandTheftAuto IV. Now think of an RPG that had just as much hype to it as all those action games, I can't think of one. The thing is game makers are paying way to much attention to the "evolving gamer", and thinking action games are what is going to please all the gamers out there, and instead of doing that they really need to pay attention to more game genres than just action games. So what do you think are game makers going overboard with all the action games or is this completely unstable status of the gaming industry completely fine hmmm?