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The Bitter Gamer- Vol. 4 : Are MMORPGs worth it?

Last year brought about many new MMORPGs, lots of them were vaunted over like the new War Hammer game. So any gamer who has ears and eyes can see how well these games are going over, people are going crazy! I just don't understand why a person would pay full price for a game, and then pay extra every month in order to play the stupid thing. Many people make the excuse that " Well you get to play with other players, and test your skill, and the game is endless.", if you want to play with other players invite one of your friends over and play a multiplayer game, and destroy them that will test your skill. And if you want the endless part, get a free-roam game like Bully. And what is this RPG crap, yeah sure they have fantasy elements, but they are by far not a role-playing game, RPGs aren't about some guy you don't know killing you over and over again and typing a bunch of profane things, they're about deep storylines and great characters, and getting you involved and thinking, and MMOs offer none of that. I must admit that for about a year and a half I played an MMORPG called Sherwood MMORPG, but it was free. And the endless barrage of MMOs doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon so tell me what do you think of all the MMORPGs coming out recently?