The Bitter Gamer-Vol. 2: Fallout 3 an RPG!?
by SquareEnixFan13 on Comments
Fallout 3 "one of the biggest releases of 2008" is considered by alot of people an RPG, and according to the people at the VGAs it's worth RPG of the year....what!? Fallout 3 is set in a Postapocalyptic Washington D.C. where you play as a guy who is trying to.... do something that most likely ends in him shooting something; hmmm, it's sounds alot like an action game. Never before have I seen such a bloody shooter type RPG, I mean the blood and gore in this game is everywhere it's as if everything is a high-pressure sack full of blood and guts, not to mention it's a first person shoote..... uhhhh, RPG :). It seems to me that now-a-days a game can be an RPG as long as it has a story and is completely over-hyped (like Fallout 3, that's gonna hurt), almost every game has a story it's a common trait in games except for all those dreaded music games. Also I find it important to tell you that the other nominees for best RPG were Warhammer Online: Age Of Reckoning, Fable 2, and The World Ends With You, well atleast 2 of them were good RPGs personally I think The World Ends With You should have won. So thank you Bethseda for not leaving well-enough alone, like everyone else in the 12 years that Fallout was gone!