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Top 4 Platformer Dynamic Duos

4. Banjo and Kazooie- Banjo and Kazooie are the great duo that have been created by Rare, and they are a..... bear and bird, and the bear isn't eating the bird. Banjo and Kazooie first appeared on the Nintendo 64, where you play as Banjo (the bear) along with Kazooie (the bird), as they try to rescue Banjo's sister-Tooty- from the evil Gruntilda, who has kidnapped her. Much of the duos personality comes from the typical wise-cracking, name-calling sidekick Kazooie, while most of the time I find Banjo to be a bit boring. Rare brought back Banjo-Kazooie with Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts And Bolts in 2008, which was reallyquite different fromany previous entries into theseries, though it did feature a fewfan pleasing things in it. So over all to me Banjo-Kazooie are just an average platformer duo but definitely deserving of being on my list. (Because thats a great honor :) )

Mario and Luigi- Mario first came into the gaming scene in the 1981 arcade game "Donkey Kong" where he was known as "Jumpman" in America, and "Mr.VideoGame" in Japan. Mario at first was in fact a carpenter, until one of his makers colleagues suggested that he become a plumber, saying that it would suit Mario better, now lets move on to Luigi. Luigi first appeared to the gaming scene with his brother Mario in 1983 in Mario Bros. Wether Luigi is the older brother or not is not known for sure, though many would agree that he is the younger brother, althoughin Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island you actually see Mario and Luigi being born as twin brothers, so the question still stands. But, anyway, throughout the years Mario and Luigi, have always been the representatives for Nintendo, but there will forever be-in my mind-a great univesal question, and that is, who's the sidekick?

Ratchet And Clank- The Ratchet and Clank series was created by Insomniac, and first aired on the PlayStation 2 in November of 2002. Ratchet and Clank are definitely one of the best duos I have seen in platforming they just seem to counteract eachother very well, Ratchet being the laid back,"ready for everything" hero, and Clank being the cautious, planning sidekick. All-together the Rachet and Clank series has had 8 entries, 2 on the PSP and PS3, and 4 on the PS2, and I hope to see much more from this series.

ratchet and clank by Library Gaming.

And the Winner is.........

Jak and Daxter- Jak and Daxter was created by NaughtyDog, and released in December of 2001 for the PlayStation 2, and all-together has had 5 entries into the series, 1 for the PSP, and 4 for the PS2. When Jak and Daxter was originally released it was basically your above average cute 3D platformer, but in 2003 NaughtDog released Jak 2, giving the series a much darker, grittier, and certainly more mature tone to the whole game, which was a change for the fantastic to me. Also I have discovered that another Jak and Daxtergame-by NaughtyDog-is in the works entitled Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier, which is scheduled to release the last day of 2009, and I'm really excited about it. But lets get down to why I like them so much, Daxter definitely adds the most personality of the duo, and also he is freaking hilarious! Daxters' personality, is that of a really full-of-himself, sarcasticnerd,who thinks he's a womanizer, but he's really not. And then theres Jak the complete opposite of Daxter, Jak is aquiet, vengeful, loner who is looking to destroy those who transformed him into what he currently isin the game (which he does). So Jak and Daxter definitely win that platformer cake by a longshot, because they're just awesome in general.

awsome Jak and Daxter by Jak's Lover.