jw are they going to start making the current games have the new "ps3" logo boxart?
SquareRocks' forum posts
That sucks, but at least you get them most of the time right ;) My ID is my driver's license, Twig.Happy b-day m8, congrats. I'm also 17 but here in Holland the m-rating is for 18 year olds -_-" so when I got out to buy Killzone 2 the cashier wat b!tching that I wasnt 18 yet so I couldnt take it with me. Had to get back with my dad later that afternoon, how embarassing xD. But luckily they usualy dont even check your age here so getting m-rated games is mostly not a problem, just had bad luck that day, having a stupid b!tch behind the counter.
Haha thanks for all the comments, guys. I've actually been playing all types of games for a while. Hell, I played GTA3 when I was like 10. And no my mommy doesn't need to drive me to the store anymore ;); I can steal her car when I need it.
Woot, today I'm 17 years old and I can buy M rated games alone. OooooooOOO the power!!! When I got elder scrolls oblivion a few years ago, I was with my mom and the cashier lady actually gave a full on explanation of the ratings and the content of the game (I still got it, but that's not the point). Now, when somebody tries that I can be like "Whoa now, I'm 17 so you can stop right there."
either super rub a dub or that horrible gundam game..actually I think I downloaded them both on the same day.
17 in August. I've been playing since I was 3 (mostly snes games like mario, donkey kong, and some nes stuff like that paper boy game). I could beat all my brother's friends at GoldenEye when I was 5 or 6 though.
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