My friend pirates almost every new game that comes out... He has a job. He just don't want to spend money on something he can so easily get for free... You mention pirating on consoles; yes it exists, for the whole few thousands people who do it... While PC games are pirated en masse.... To pirate on consoles you have to mod consoles, mod operating systems, even mod hardware... To pirate on PC you download the game and woah, that's it, you just download something.
Meh. People will continue to want to play games and thus businesses will still exist to make them... Just because there isn't constant growth doesn't mean no one will make games... Look at the films industry. Its not like every time a new blockbuster comes out it makes more and more than the last blockbuster. No, it goes up it goes down, some are profitable some are not, some make it big, some make it not big, but still make it. Yet films have been continually made for over a century and will continue to be.
Right now is a sh-tty time to examine the games industry. The entire economy is recovering from recession, it is the end of a generation (why spend $300 on a console that was rumored too/just announced is going to be replaced by the end of this year?) And Nintendo? WiiU is gimicky in every sense of the word. It is equivalent to the generation that is currently ending, etc, etc... To argue its failure is evidence of an industry in decline is laughable when all it is evidence of is poor planning/decision making at Nintendo.
Woah... It is like that article was written to describe me... I spend a lot of time on games... and I always think about them... when I pull my homework out to finish it... they are always on my mind... then like 10 minutes in to working, I turn on my games and say "I'll just finish it later." But I never do... plus I seem depressed...
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