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I am Metaluna!

A great deal of success has found me, as my clinical trials for phlebotomy yield nothing but the finest fruits. Out of 19 draws, I've gotten 23 of them, which is good for beginners, and I've been offered a job in the first three days. Bully. Regardless, my gaming life will not go quietly into the night.
I purchased an HDTV, a 27 inch Westinghouse 720p tv, and compared to my previous tv, a 24 inch ye olde generic, this one looks amazing. For whatever reason, all of my old games are new on this television, which prompted me to go back through graw, gears, pgr, and download the demos for games I was looking forward to. Vegas still isn't fun though, screw that crap.
Lost Planet is a pretty dissapointing game, with lackluster controls and a plot that would make you chew your own foot off. The multiplayer is decent, and the grappling hook definitely makes things amusing, but the high point here is aesthetic. This game looks like 1 million dollars. Great animations, a variety of interesting enemies to shoot, pretty lighting, and so forth. It feels like the graphics were the unifying theme for the game, because it sure as hell isn't the action.
I found a real gem of a game randomley, and have been enjoying it for a while. It's called Armada Online and features a number of nifty features. It's an alpha right now, so the edges are very, how do you say it ah yes, rough, but it's a gem if you take the time to learn. Don't miss this. Don't miss this. Don't miss this. My name is Drugs in game, so give me a shout. That's Drugs with a capital dee.
I've been considering selling my PSP for a while now, only to hesitate at the release of MGS PO, but now the dreams of releasing my unit into the gaming abode have resumed at the realization that what I really wanted, the PS download service, I will never have. A pity too, I was really looking forward to the same four games everybody else was. I'll think on the situation some more, and if it comes to pass then so be it, Dead Rising for me. Personally I would rather sell it to somebody I knew at a lesser price, so if you are looking, give me a shout and we can negotiate.
Finally, I'd like to apologize to everybody whose blog I haven't frequented in a while. With my time becoming increasingly scarce now that big boy things have taken over, it's become more of a chore than a treasure reading about your lives, but I still give a hoot. May extra lives bless you and your family.