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If size matters, less or more?

One of the executives at Nintendo made an interesting comment that I've been mulling in my head for some time, and that is that games have become too long to hold peoples interest. Though I agree that some games take a bit too long to cmplete, saying that completion time is bloated is a farce to be discussed and analysed. The game I am currently playing, Monster Hunter Freedom, has an unbelievable amount of content that lasts people over a hundred hours. However the vice of this game is you have to stomach the negative aspects of the game, such as the poor controls or lack of online multiplayer. Capcom knows how to make monster hunter games because they've done it before, and are currently making sequels, but do gamers know what kind of forumula they are looking for. In juxtoposition to Monster Hunter Freedom, Half Life Episode One recently came out to critical acclaim and commercial success. Though the experience lasts less than 10 hours, gamers have expresssed admiration and excitement at the quality of the content, though are bitter regarding the rather timid length of the adventure. Size seems to be widely contested as a price of admission amongst my peers, though the exact nature of what satisfies in this department seems to depend largely on the quality of the other characteristics of the game, such as story, gameplay, etc. It isn't an exact science per se, and I don't have the tools or knowledge to create a measurement, but I'm sure that this kind of taste can't be quantified. Largely, after reading this, you should be left with the question of how much length of a game affects your purchase, and what length you're looking for?