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Invite polite :)

Instead of inundating your inbox with invites for unions you most likely don't give two hoots about, I've opted instead to post unions I find tasteful and/or needing people for your gaming pleasure. This is how invites from me shall be done now and forever!
The MMORPG Center: This one is pretty self explanatory, it's about MMO's for all systems, though mostly computer for the obvious reasons. This union covers news, previews, reviews, interviews, and pertinent discussion for MMO's and multiplayer rpg's such as Diablo II, Sacred, or the upcoming Phantasy Star Universe. I'm a big MMO fan, and you'll find plenty of resources on both free MMO's and industry favorite WoW.
The Diverse Gamers Union: Covering all games over every platform, this place is pretty much the only social union I feel comfortable posting in. It covers all the usual topics (Final Fantasy, Playstation vs. Xbox vs. Nintendo) and then some stuff, but it's a cool place to hang out for a few minutes and chat up people.
Community Contributions: Community Contributions is about the best resource for writing that I've seen nearly anywhere. They offer advice on how to write a great review, and also allow you the oppertunity to write a critique for other people. Truly this is the ultimate form of socialism, definitley worth a look. Anyway, those are unions I would invite people too, if you're interested in the subject material click the links below for the corresponding unions and see if you want to join or not.
The MMORPG Center The Diverse Gamers Union Community Contributions