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Silent Hill: a win for us

I watched Silent Hill last night, and I must say that it is the best game to movie translation ever, as well as a hell of a horror movie. I'm so impressed with the translation of this I'd like to discuss what they did right , because somebody finally got it. First, and this is the most important thing one can take to make a succesful translation, they found the balance between putting in content which was similar to the game, and taking liberties in order to make a succesful translation. I don't want to describe specific elements, because they would most likely end up ruining the movie for you, so I'll forgo that and simply prompt you to go see it as soon as possible. Second, the actors don't suck. I was amazed when I saw the cast, most notably Sean Bean. He is an amazing actor, and he plays the part of the concerned father wonderfully. Everybody else does a good job too, I was particularly impressed with the lady who played the main character. Third, the plot was a hybrid from the games and what would be cooler on screen. I don't want to ruin this either, so suffice to say it worked perfectly with what the game had to offer. The whole movie was just incredibly well done, and I can't wait to see what the dvd extras have in store. This movie means so much more though, the end of the stigma associated with movies based on games. Hopefully the Prince of Persia game works out as well, then maybe we can start looking like a respectable field for adaptations of intellectual property.