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Sr_Mateus Blog

Back from retirement

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Duty calls...
Today a fellow retired game master made me a request: "let's go try RPG once more".
I was reluctant at first but finally gave in. I got my World of Darkness books out of the shelves and god, that feels good:lol:
So, I'll give it a shot.

I want Final Fantasy XI!!

Seriously, I've been obsessing with this game lately. Though I like the Final Fantasy series I never wanted to play a game this much since VII. And don't usually like MMO's. I'm rather shy and had bad experience with bad-mannered communities before. Specially Ragnarök Online. I think I've never played a MMORPG for longer than a month and a half. Well, I've been to a lot of sucky ones like Priston Tale, RO, Knight Online, Tibia, Slayer, etc. Somehow I think things will be different in FF XI.

First of all is has no official Real Money Trade. I have position against this sort of stuff and left many games because of it. Second, for being heavily party-depended I guess the communnity in general behaves better (I've hear that from other players). Third because it's final fantasy! It has jobs I learned to like long ago, chocobos and a gameplay that seems stellar to me.

I was originally thinking of making a "Yuna Clone", Female Hume White Mage/Summonner. Then I took some time to realize that it was rather sad and pathetic. I've always frowned upon this stuff on tabletop RPG, it was kinda silly doing that in a mmo, though almost nobody roleplays. Now I'm considering a Female Hume Red Mage/Bard and a Male Hume Warrior/Dragoon as an Alt.

Well, I think I get my copy somewhere in march 2008. I'll wait for a possible PC version of the Vana'diel Collection 2008.

2007 F-1 season. The Ice Age!

What a fantastic GP, what a fantastic season!! Congratulations to Kimi Raikkonen, World Drivers Champion and specially to Scuderia Ferrari F-1, Constructor Champion!
Too bad for you, McLaren fans...

Planned Purchases for 2008

As a "late buyer" and "short-budgeted buyer" I usually plan on what I'm getting in advance. That makes me keep focus on what I'm buying, and if it's based on reasonable desire or just pure hype. System are a lot more expensive here in Brazil, games even more so I would go easily broke just "buying every game a want to try". So I usually get one system and about 12 games a year. Those are the ones I have in mind for 2008:

PlayStation Portable - I really liked the new model and I'm probably getting a Core unless they release the Piano Black in a cool bundle like those with daxter or battlefront. I'm really happy with my DS as far as hand-held gaming goes but the multimedia aspects of the PSP are quite attractive. Plus It has some awesome exclusives like MGS PO, FFT War of the Lions, Silent Hill Origins and KH Birth by Sleep.

DS Games - I have bought quite few games for this platform last year in favor of GBA and Windows games. I want to change that next year. Ace Attorney series is almost at the fourth game, So I have some catching up to do. Nintendogs was the first game that made me look at the DS with wishful eyes, but I never thought It would be a good first or second game. I want booth Brain Age's, so I'm following the release order and Mario Kart, well, I'm desperately in need of a good online game for my system.
Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney
Brain Age: Train your Brain in Minutes a Day
Mario Karts DS
Nintendogs: Labrador & Friends

Windows games - Starcraft I already owned but never the expansion and was never happy with the brazilian localization job. Now I plan on import the Battle Chest and prepare myself for Starcraft II. Age of Mythology is another cool game I wanted to play at the time, but had to little time to spend on it. But the highlight in my choice is definitely Final Fantasy XI. When I first decided to give this game a shot I was trapped in basically a "56k only situation". I have been doing some research lately and this game is likely to run well in internet connection, so: Vana'Diel, here I go!
Starcraft - Blattle Chest
Age of Mythology - Gold Edition
Final Fantasy XI Online: Vana'Diel Collection 2007
Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess

PSP Games - New system, new games. I'm going for games that are already on a market for some time and I don't wanna lose Them.
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

GBA Games - Those will be the last gba games i'm buying. I want complete my Final Fantasy collection so I really need those =P
Final Fantasy I&II - Dawn of Souls
Final Fantasy V Advance
Final Fantasy VI Advance

Xbox 360 - New bundled games

When I think of buying a Xbox 360, the very first game that comes in mind is Forza Motorsport 2. So, You must imagine how happy I was when I found out that Forza 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance will be bundled with Elite and Premium packages.
Well I would never buy MUA because it looks like a very silly game. I highly doubt I would feel playing a super hero in a game with no free roaming. But that's ok because it's free (not actually free but the whole bundle costs the same as the one with no games last week). So 450 USD for an X360 Elite with Forza 2 and MUA sounds a lot more reasonable than 600 USD for the 80G PS3 with Motorstorm in my opinion. Well, I'm getting both eventually.

Still, I wonder if both games will came in the complete retail box or just inside a crappy case. Don't get me wrong, It is better two games in a crappy case than none whatsoever but I'm a serious collector (don't have the cool emblem but I am) and I like to place the boxes all lined up. Well, I ain't buy any system until it completes 3 years in US market (I plan on write about this) so probably I'll get other games bundled or maybe another price cut. Who knows.

A Little off topic: Where the hell is Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSP review, GameSpot??! =P

First entry

Since I couldn't think of a better way to start this blog I present you:

The Fluffy Wuffy Puppies
Puppies! Don't you just love'em?

Feast your eyes on nature's work of art!