For so very long I have taken a certain amount of anti-establishment pride in not owning a TV. I suppose that it is not entirely true that I have never owned a tv before. When I was in college during the second Ragen administration in the 1980s, I owned a tv. But I am under the experiencial impression that life really doesn't start until after college or your first divorce, which ever comes later. So, since that point, I have not owned a tv. And ethically speaking, I am not entirely sure that I believe in TV...or more specifically, I don't believe in Comcast cable. Well, of course I acknowledge Comcast's existence...I just don't support it. Anyway, I digress. So, it has been about 20 years since I have owned a tv. Anyway, my wife likes the big tvs. So I just got a large LCD tv at Target of all places. Well, to my own shame or horror, I totally love this tv. It has a monitor input so I can hook up my desktop and play Oblivion on the large screen. I even brought my Xbox home from work...I know, why have an Xbox when you don't own a tv?...well, over the past four years, my Xbox has spend about seven days at home...the rest of the time I keep it at work where I get all my game time in...anyway, to complete this run-on sentense, the Xbox totally rocks on the LCD. Of course, the only games I play on Xbox are NCAA Football...oh yeah, I am rocking the Sun Devils on dynasty mode...and Jade Empire. Which, now that I think about it, is rather wife loves tv and hates video games, and I hate tv and love video games. Oh crap, that means that I'll have to take my Xbox back to my work place sooner or later. Oh well, guess you can't win 'em all. God, I am such a tool.
Rock on, everybody.