Greetings once again friends and fellow bloggers. This is the 4th installment of my Musical Chicken story. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Musical Chicken, it is a passive-aggressive game I play with my wife. It works like this: We both simultaneously listen to each other's music; whoever pulls-the-plug, so to speak, loses. Generally, I win this game, because my wife has most often chosen classical chinese music and I tend to like that very much. Me, I usually choose hard rock like Metallica or cerebrial rock like Tool. But every now and then, she wins. She won today on our way to go shopping. I figured Mudvayne is an ace-in-the-hole. She can't stand them, and has disaffectionately refered to metal as, and these are her words, "Constipation Rock" meaning that they sound like they can't drop a duce. Anyway, I am as confedent as a poker player with a straight flush in hand, then she hits me, to my complete astonishment, with a royal flush: Chinese Rap. Holy crap, I wasn't even prepared, conceptually, for it's existance. But when it hit me, I knew it was over. There is no way that I can sit through it, even with some metal to drownd it out. Damn, another loss. I am down to 20 and 4.
I am only comforted by the fact that should we get divorced, at least we won't fight about the music collection.