Greetings, friends and fellow bloggers. Lots of things going on in my corner of the world and few of them good. About 12 days ago, I had a nasty little sinus infection that turned into a really bad sore throat. Then, about a week ago, the cold settled on my chest. I simply thought that I had a bad caugh and cold. After a few days it got significantly worse; I had a scratchy, burning sensation while caughing. Going against my better judgement, I went into urgent care last wednesday. They X-rayed my lungs and found what they suspected were spots of early stage pneumonia. I missed a couple days of work...I really hate that...but got to wrap myself up in a heavy blanket and sleep for 14 hours every day since then. My fever is up and down, and while high, I have been sweating very heavily. The very worst part of this all is that the meds I am taking cannot be mixed with alcohol so I haven't had a beer in days. I weighed myself this evening. I am down 10lbs to 232. All from being laid up in bed sick. Of course, with the nausia, I haven't been eating much either. The doctors say that the anitbiotics should fully work by Monday. With my luck, though, I probably got the bad-attitude pneumonia. Fair enough. I am a stubborn MF, so bring it on, microbs! I'll F you up.
So, I am watching [as]. It is about 2am Sunday morning. What the hell?!?. This may be the worst sunday line up I have ever seen. The best on tap is Metallocolypes and ATHF and then it is down hill from there? God, I do hope it gets better in the next hour or so. Sunday morning is the only time I look forward to TV...well, I like late wednesday nights on the history channel too. And now, it's all crap. Bummer. Time to buy some more anime box sets.