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36 40 49 level system: example of the New Math?

Greetings everybody. I have a question. How does one Level Up at I mean, if we were playing Neverwinter Nights 2 or Oblivion, then I would get it. But I can' figure out how does it? Is there a theoretical bases for their level system, or perhaps there is a new conceptual framework for advanced hypothetical mathematics. I have a vague memory of learing about imaginary numbers in highschool trigonometry - perhaps employs the imaginary negative radical in their level system. But even if that is the case, I still don't get it.

Case in point. When I was level 11, my level % would increase incrementally at a very slow rate, as low as 0%, but never more than 3%. Now, during this time, I was posting multiple times daily and I am usually very long winded. I submitting a number of reviews, blogs about my travels to China, and a couple of contributions that got turned down. But none of that seemed to make a difference . However, eventually, I leveled up to 12. And, once at 12, my % completion moved very quickly, between 5% and 12% daily. This morning when I logged off, I was at 78% completion of level 12. This afternoon when I logged on, I was at 85% completion of level 15. How did I jump 3 level when I am posting less, have fewer reviews, and such???. Maybe if I don't post at all for a week, I'll jump 18 levels???

And if this system works for, why can't I import it for Elder Scrolls so I can jump from level 1 to 50 in no time??? Well, now that I think of it, I guess that is what cheat codes are for. And, to follow this stream of consciousness, does have a cheat code? I donno...