I remember seeing the first (fourth) movie in the theatre and knowing that I was seeing something like nothing before, alas. Everything since has been a disappointment. Unfortunately, Lucas doesn't seem to love his characters. Here I am thinking of Steinbeck in literature, or Hitchcock in film they loved their characters. In turn, we don't care about Lucas's characters either. Nor, for that matter is Lucas much of a storyteller -- this whole documentary riff is a poor excuse. The story is plodding and all too predictable. Recently, I saw the Hidden Fortress which informs much of the first (fourth) film. Unfortunately, Lucas failed to recognize the brilliance of the spear fight -- profoundly evident in the lame duel between Obi-wan and Vader. So, we know that these films are not about character development, nor innovative storyline, nor martial arts -- what are they? Self-consciously they are films about special effects in films. Alas, I am disappointed, altogether in the end. However, I refuse to give up hope. I look forward to Tarantino's re-make of these films. The brilliance of Kill Bill made me reminiscent of the feeling in seeing the first (fourth) Star Wars.
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