Ive been on the internet for almost 10 years now. Ive been activevly posting on forums and boards for most of that time. Now Ive done my fair share of flaming and trolling. I know most forums dont appreciate it either. I also know there is a line that shouldnt be crossed when flaming and trolling. I have never crossed that line. For some reason though I have been "moderated" twice in the last day for post I made a week ago. First off, if you are going to punish someone for a post they made, do it in a quick manner. Dont wait a week later so that everyone has forgot about it and I cant remember what I even said... Now on both of them I know what I said cause people quoted me and its still present in the thread. Another problem I have is that I guess anyone can report flaming, trolling, or other inappropriate things to the mods with the site features. I think that is just great, but we have some real immature babies floating around that report for the craziest things. Im going to explain the two moderations here real quick... First one. Some guy posts a question about HDTV on the 360 forum. First off HDTV discussion doesnt belong in the 360 forum, so me trolling/flaming shouldnt apply since the thread shouldnt even be there. Second the guy admitted to downloading and watching movies on his comupter which was connect to the TV. I go on to comment that the guy is a 'retard' for publicly posting that and I hope that someone here works for the FEDS. Now the only the I saw wrong was I called the guy a 'retard'. Im assuming the guy toke it personally and reported me for abuse. If I recall there is a phrase "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Im not going to mention the guys name, but Im assuming hes some little kid that is pampered by mommy and daddy and that someone (myself) hurt his feelers by calling him a retard. Ive called people stupid, retarded, or dumb multiple times in multiple forums and NEVER have a I been moderated for it. Ridiculous I say.... Second one. Some guy titles a thread "Rumor" in the 360 forum. As much as I hate rumors I couldnt help but TROLL this one for the guys stupidity for posting a RUMOR and saying this is only a RUMOR. I mean come on... I could start a thread saying now this is only a RUMOR, but I heard the 360 is going to have full blown windows XP on it and allow for normal computer applications to be completed on it. Anyways this guy goes on to say he heard a rumor that some Manager at Best Buy was saying the 360 was defective. Now In my opinion the guy was trolling the 360 board, probably some PS3 geek or Nintendo geek jealous of the 360 that is trying to cause problems. I went on to sacrastically comment that I was going to help spread the rumor around. Again Ridicuous I say.... Now either we have some really immature board users that cant handle a little heat or we have some POWER HUNGRY Moderators that love to crack the whip. My opnion is POWER HUNGRY Moderators.... Now im probably going to get moderated for this blog post now. Watch... My whole account will probably go POOF cause I called the Mods a name, and after they are done crying their eyes out to mommy and daddy they are going to come back and BAN my rear... We will just have to wait and see...
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