PS4 & Xbox One - What to do.
by Staith_UK on Comments
Back in the PS2 days, Sony was the console king, anyone with the slightest bit of a gaming side had one. The Xbox was a smear on the left thumb stick of the dualshock 2. Then came the PS3 & Xbox 360 and in all honesty Sony screwed themselves in a big way. From the late arrival of their PS3 to the high price tag, it really didn't do itself any favors. Over time Sony started to rise up and take back some of it's former glory, but it was all a little bit too late as by this time Microsoft and it's Xbox 360 had a firm grip on the market. So it was a tough call, get a 360 or wait it out and get a PS3. With that sense of loyalty to Sony installed in me from the PS2 days, just the thought of getting a 360 felt like I was cheating on the wife. But, the 360 was new, it had new things and new idea's. The dev's seemed to favor it for their games and the controller was a nice fit in my hands. So 360 it was for me, and in fairness my choice paid off. The 360 went on to be a success in my opinion. Nearly a decade later and I face the same decision. Having built up a loyalty to MS over the years it's going to be a tough call when it comes down to the PS4 and Xbox One. In all honesty though i'm leaning towards the PS4 and here's why. In the same way Sony did from the PS2 to 3, Microsoft I feel have done with the 360 to the One. They've shot themselves in the foot and have let greed take over their thought process. The Xbox One for me feels like the PS3 did back in the day. Time will tell of course but I just get that feeling that Sony, this time around, have listened to their consumers and made a console for gamers. Are we about to see the PS2 days return? I hope so. It'll be nice to have Sony back in the living room.
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