About the RROD, its a hard drive failure apparently, erm, thinking of registering the console for repairs and giving it to my bro while I get a new one which I've been thinking of getting for a while.
Tagged by Spinal Clash lol and another 5 things then...
1) I have a weird eye condition that means I have eyes suited to low light conditions rather than daytime lighting, so I can't look up at the sky, or it hurts, allot, even paper can hurt my eyes lol, UV sensitivity and stuff, so I have to wear shades on a sunny day lol. Means that because Im suited to low light conditions I can see more spectrum than normal people, yet ironically it means I have less colour perception overall. Its called Irlen's Syndrome or Scotopic Sensitivity, and I will wear green tinted lenses for that soon lol. One thing thats kind cool, I can look at stuff and you know how night vision is always kind grainy? I get that just by generally seeing lol, I think thats just coincedental that NVGs look like that lol.
2) I have rick roll'd a grand total of 8 people lol.
3) Im dyscalculic, dyslexia but with maths and a couple memory problems in the package lol. Its why if ever I meet any of you I may be talking and the next minute completely occupied with something else and absent minded about it, it also means I can't count to 30 without making a mistake or thinking I have lol, generally affects basic maths but allows me to do higher level maths easily. Look it up on wikipedia, sucks lol.
4) I used to live in Dubai, lol, yeah kicks ass there, really reccomend a holiday there if you can get one, I've outlived the amount of time I lived there by living in England now, and Im gonna go back for a visit this summer.
5) Im afraid of being in water where I can't see beneath the surface, funny story here, as a kid I refused to take bubble baths because the bubbles stopped me seing under the water and I'd be too scared lol, so I tend to avoid swimming where as Im fine with heights and closed areas.
I didn't involve as many pics , wait scratch that, I didn't involve any pics, because Im tired and not that happy lol. 360 is dead and once its repaired my bro will have it lol and I will get an Elite. It matches my name then lmao but thats not why Im getting that version :P