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Watch What you say on the message boards

I'm a guy who works the normal 8-5pm job at a major coporation in the south east USA. Now my job pretty much requires for me to talk to customers all day and help them with their many many problems. The whole point of me telling you this is because if my phones are not ringing I have nothing to do. So what do I do during my down time? I post on here and gfaqs whenever i can. I'm not your average gamer, I don't live in my moms basement, I'm not overweight, I'm not bad looking, and I'm not single. I have my own apartment, pretty slinder but not sickly slender, pretty handsome if i say so myself, and am getting married. So by no means am I your average Joe Smoe Gamers.

Now that I have been on gamer boards for a while, you tend to build relations with your friends, and build rivalary's with others. On the Gfaqs boards I once a month hold the Villian of the Month contest. Basically it is a huge posting event that allows others to vote who the most annoying posters of the boards are. It starts with 8 nominees, and from there goes to a first to five vote discision with a bracket style similar to the NBA finals. Well this month I held my montly contest after a huge inquirey from many of the board posters about it. The turn out wasn't a good a usually but it was certainly past the 200 hundred post mark within the first 4 hours(October's was a 500 post topic). Anyway everything was going swell, there was not flaming or anyhing, and people were including a small bit about the ps3 hardware just to stay on topic with the board requirements. Anyways when i get back from lunch I notice that the topic was modded. Now with gfaqs you can contest a moderation, but for some reason my contesting privilages were taken from me. I was highly upset about this, because it was following the rules just as the month's before did. Wanting revenge I made a topic complaining about the mods, it was completely censored mainly consisting of **** where they needed to be. Well lets just say I am suspended now for 45 days from there, and what am I marked for? Offensive posting... How? It was completely censored there is not a way it could be offensive, i could understand flaming but offensive posting... jeeze do mods not know how to catorgorize their on classification of offense?

Since then I came to the Gspot boards, which I must say, isn't quiet the same as Gfaqs. I made a couple of topics here and there, one on the ps3 asking if someone could let my friends know on the gfaqs ps3 board what happened to me. It was modded, for off topic posting. Ok cool. So i go to the off topic posting boards and do the same exact set up.... it is modded again for spam/advertisment.... What the crap? It has not to do with either and it is marked. I am very displeased with the moderations methods of the two sites. It is sad when a 13 year old is allowed to go through my messages and topics marking it as he sees fit.

Well I suppose that is the end of my rant. If you have had a similar experience mail me and let me know. :evil: