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Stargate_SG-1_ Blog

WOW!This is amazing!

WoW i was watching some youtube videos from Nyhm about World Of Warcraft and his new profile has amazing art from this artist.She is AmAZING! I suggest Everyone that reads this check out her site here.Its just been started but shes got a few Art of hers up right now just give her some time:)

Show your support!

Beta Status Update

Also, for those interested in beta, while it has not been officially announced.Closed beta seems to be upon us as hundreds of people have already been invited. It is still declared to be in the "friends and family" stage though so i geuss we'll have to wait

However, here is what will most likely be our beta process.

[01:32] Brannoc: *ghost_reaper* Q: roughly when will the open beta begin and howlong will it be running for? Straight up to lauch or for a short time?
[01:34] SGWDuth: Close Beta will start mid September
[01:34] SGWDuth: Open Beta will start late January / Early Feb.
[01:34] SGWDuth: Open beta will last until we ship


Shortly after, Khatie pointed out that these are tentative dates. So this is the plan at the moment, not the Truth about what will in fact happen.

Hope my blogs help guys

New SGW video!

SGW at comiccon has released a new trailor!It looks great for a game in Alpha Stage still!

Check it out here!

More Info On Stargate Worlds!

Well unfortuantely i havent been on as much as I use to but im still keeping my blog up to date with the info from Stargate Worlds.

this info here is from a deveopler chat in our IRC channel.Gives us a lot of cool information.

Enjoy guy!

Great News

As Im sure many are aware of by now, Don S. Davis the actor Who portrayed General Hammond In Stargate Sg-1 recently passed away.

Many of us on the official forums called for CME to make a memorial ingame for this famous actor and they have stated that they will do something to contribute to his memory which is great news to all of us.

I failed to write a blog about his death and i regret that i didn't. I thank CME for doing this to remeber such a great actor and a person.

RIP Don S. Davis

Stargate Worlds Beta Update!

For those interested on How the Beta in STARGATE WORLDS will be and when it will start.

Here is a Word froma very trusted and I must say my favorite CME person on the Stargate Worlds Forums!

Khatie-Yes, testing has started. We are in "Friends and Family" stage, or "Alpha" or even "Early Beta" but not really true beta yet. When we move into the closed beta phase we'll announce it, and will start adding hundreds weekly rather than dozens.

Something to look forward to guys!

My geuss is they will annouce beta in MID JULY(that is the speculation of many members) Maybe When the new season of Atlantis Starts!

For more info go to

Hope to see you there!

The gate is back!!

To all of you who dont know....

The fantastic show Stargate Atlantis will be airing new episodes starting July 11, 2008!

Finally right?!!?!?After that big cliffhanger of season 4!

Hope it is a great season!

Stargate Worlds

Hi, I am starting this entry to spread awareness of the up and coming MMORPG Stargate Worlds. I suggest that all people reading this go to and become active in our very nice community.

Reasons why i hink this game will be succesful??

While it may not be the next WoW I think this game will be second in the MMO market.It has great developers at CME that you can tell care about the community and the game they are making.