User Reviews & Ratings

Average Score 7.9/10
  1. 10
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 7
  5. 6
  6. 5
  7. 4
  8. 3
  9. 2
  10. 1
  • Rating:7.5

    The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition

  • Rating:10

    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07

  • Rating:7

    Madden NFL 07

  • Rating:7
    Had its great moments, but really lacks in some places.

    Madden NFL 07

    Had its great moments, but really lacks in some places.

    When I got the game a day after realease, and saw all the bad reviews people were giving them and i was appalled. After i played the game though, i come to realize that they were right. This game is really shining when i... Read Full Review

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